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Song Contest: Accounting Anthems

The Great Bean Counters is opening up a song competition. All kinds of musical styles are welcome from jazz to rap or pop to death metal. As supporters of the arts we understand that it is an industry difficult to get a start within, and as such are offering a $2,000 prize to the winner of our song competition. If the 2nd place entry surpasses 200 likes it will also be awarded a $200 prize. As an accounting firm we should inform you that prize money is tax free.

Entries must relate to the topic of accounting. Taking a look around our website as it may give you some accounting information to work via. Comical accounting themes are welcome. Be creative, it could be a story such as about a business starting up with a dream to something like this (though we like this song we would prefer topics that are not about greed).

To enter your song will need to be posted via The Great Bean Counters Facebook Page, which can be done by liking the page. The song must also be posted tagging and following our twitter account TheGr8BeanCounters with the phrase "The Great Bean Counters Accounting Anthems Competition".

Judging will be a combined score of the number of likes received on the Facebook post of the song and a percentage boost from our team. We will give a 50% boost of likes in our scoring to our favourite, 40% to our second favourite, 30% for 3rd, 20% for 4th and 10% for 5th. Further inaccurate information will deduct a percentage, for example we are Chartered Accountant not a CPA firm so mention of us being the wrong one would result in a reduction. The song may be about accounting generally or those needing an accountant. A song can be posted with a video if the entrant believes it will help its votes or as just the song.

Multiple entries from an individual or group will be accepted. Entries must be an original piece you have ownership over. We will give brownie points to songs that highlight that we are the best accountants nearby including saying this on twitter :)

To vote a voter can like The Great Bean Counters Facebook page and as many songs as they like that are entered.

The scores will be finalised on the 15th of March 2018 and arrangements will be made following this for winners. Entries will be open from the 30th of January and closed on the 7th of March 2018. Voting is available as soon as it is submitted and accepted, meaning entering late may give less time for voters to see your song and vote for it.

Entering the competition means that it is accepted that the entry can be used by The Great Bean Counters Pty Ltd for advertising purposes and that the song cannot be sold to a competitor.

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